Spiritual health and Mental health we use them interchangeable.

Spiritual wellbeing we approach through divine and guides which has worked for thousands of years. Think about the books like bible and so on.

Mental wellbeing we approach through the diagnostic methode like DSM V.

Both approach are cognitive in nature and in most cases we apply physical methode based on the diagnose. Physical methode can be dancing, singing, physical activities like social works or personal exercise. We have therefore different professionals with different specialisations.


What is lifelike in a family with mental health challenges?

Recognizing when a family member faces a mental health challenge and the impact.

When you have basic life questions that need to be answered, but you are not getting the right answers, it can lead to mental health problems. Wrong answers to your life questions can also cause the development of mental health problems.

Questions like

How can I trust someone knowing that one day the person may disappoint me? How can I marry someone knowing that one day we will be separated either by choice or death? Can someone love me if that person knows the things I did? why are they treating me meanly? why did this happen to me? what shall I do?

These and hundreds of other life questions are examples of what can lead to mental health problems if neglected. CSR can explore with you to find the right answer.

We work with individuals, groups, and communities. We also know that the question may be the same, but people are different. The right answer to one person or group may be wrong to another with the same question.